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Top - Services - BTC tax withholding solution for Oracle NetSuite

BTC tax withholding solution for Oracle NetSuite

BTC tax withholding solution for Oracle NetSuite

Tax Withholding refers to a deduction of income tax from remuneration of individual suppliers.

The flow is that a company pays the amount after deducting a tax withholding to an individual payee, and then the company pay the entrusted tax withholding amount to the tax office after the fact.(Manuscript fees or lecture fees towards individuals outside of companies and remuneration for lawyers and judicial scriveners fall under the tax withholding range.)

Features of tax withholding solutions

・It automates payment calculations for individual suppliers or sole proprietors, and it eliminates troublesome duplication work in accounting
・It automatically creates deposits journals to pay to the tax authorities.

When used with JBA format solution, payment work to individual suppliers becomes very convenient.
